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Published date: December 6, 2022

Is it safe to use regenerative braking for your EV during winter?

Is it safe to use regenerative braking for your EV during winter?

Regenerative braking is a cool feature that slows your EV down and slightly charges it up every time you release the gas pedal. It uses the car’s kinetic energy and converts it into electrical energy stored in the battery. However, it could be dangerous to use it on slippery winter roads.

Icy road with snow on asphalt
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What is regenerative braking?

Most EVs have a feature to automatically decelerate your vehicle and generate extra electricity for its battery. Some OEMs developed this technology so well, that it makes it possible to drive for hours on busy streets without using brakes. You can drive for miles by pushing and releasing the gas pedal only.

When does regenerative braking have the biggest effect?

Regenerative braking has the biggest effect on your car while you are going downhill on a clear road. The car speed does not increase due to extra friction and your car’s battery charges up a little bit. However, this automatic deceleration can be dangerous on the slippery road surface.

Why can regenerative braking be dangerous during winter?

Automatic deceleration uses the electric motor in reverse, thereby applying a braking force through electromagnetism. In simple terms, the vehicle uses the motor to slow you down. As you may know, you have to be extra careful on a snowy or icy road and unexpected deceleration can cause the car to lose control.

Even though regenerative braking increases the efficiency of the vehicle and in some cases, it could even be fun to play with, irresponsible use of it could cause accidents. Therefore, if you want to make sure you have enough battery in the winter, we advise you to reduce heating instead or even better - make sure you have fully charged your EV before you leave your home.

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